Community Guidelines


The Tixify Platform brings together a diverse community of millions of people to discover a variety of live experiences around the globe. The integrity of our platform is something we take very seriously and we are committed to operating it in a safe, secure, legal and respectful way. That is why we developed these Community Guidelines to describe the types of events, activities, and content that we encourage-and prohibit-on Tixify.

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TIP: The list isn't exhaustive and we may add to it; therefore, it is important that you continue to check in on any modifications or updates frequently. Please respect these Community Guidelines. If you come across any content that violates them, please contact us right away, or in the case of a specific event-related issue, use the Report an Event link.

Building a Community

Tixify is a place where anyone can create or find live experiences that fuel their passions. As both an organization that cares about diversity of thought and a global platform that fosters a vibrant community, we are committed to providing a safe, well-lit environment for live experiences. We may not agree with every view or opinion expressed at every event, but we strongly believe in the fundamental right to free speech and assembly. To help you understand what is acceptable on Tixify and what crosses our line, we created this set of Community Guidelines:


Create Events of All Kinds

Whether you're interested in wine, email marketing, dance, coding, or nearly anything else-you're free to create events that bring your community together.

Share Respectful, Celebratory Content

We highly encourage the use of content that celebrates different cultures, countries, and voices. Express yourself and inspire our community with your unique perspective and insight.

Post Self-Generated or Properly Obtained Content

You are welcome to use content in your event listing that you've created yourself, or procured appropriately, provided that it is not hateful or explicit in nature, or otherwise in violation of these Guidelines. This includes photos, videos, logos, and copy.

Sell Event-Related Merchandise

Feel free to sell event-related merchandise or accommodations in tandem with your event tickets and registrations. Just make sure you are staying within legal rules associated with those items, and only sell merchandise that you've created or has been licensed or properly made available to you, and therefore your event attendees, for your advertised purpose.


You may not use Tixify to post content or engage in any conduct that is (in our sole evaluation) offensive, harmful, or inappropriate for general audiences, or that we believe constitutes or is likely to encourage or promote any harmful, violent, or illegal activity or outcome. Below, you will find more information about the types of activities, events, and content that are not permitted on or through the Tixify Services.

Don't Promote Illegal or Inappropriate Activities

Tixify may not be used to facilitate harmful or criminal activity of any kind. You may not create or promote events on the Tixify Services that constitute or promote any of the following, as determined by Tixify:

  • Explicit sexual activity (including escort services), or pornography,
  • Illegal gambling activity (whether illegal under any U.S. federal or state law, or non-U.S. law),
  • Sale or ingestion of illegal drugs, other illegal substances, or nutraceuticals,
  • Cannabis, cannabis samples or cannabis-infused products provided for free, for purchase by the Organizer, or as part of the ticket price, attendee sharing of cannabis, or dispensary tours,
  • Activities that principally promote any other commercial product or service, such as an "infomercial," unless such promotion is expressly indicated to users in a legally sufficient way, such as through a prominent "Advertisement" disclosure,
  • Unauthorized multi-level marketing businesses,
  • Credit repair services,
  • Activities that demean, harass, intimidate, threaten or express hatred toward any societal group, whether based on race, ethnicity, religion, national origin, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, age, or veteran status,
  • Sale, distribution or unlawful use of (i) firearms, firearm parts or hardware, and ammunition; or (ii) weapons and other devices designed to cause physical injury, or
  • Terrorist activity or organized criminal activity.

Don't Post Hateful/Dangerous Content, or Events By Hateful/Dangerous Organizations

Tixify does not permit on our platform content or organizations that promote or encourage hate, violence, or harassment towards others and/or oneself. Specifically, we prohibit content or organizations that promote hate towards or the harassment of individuals or groups based on race or ethnic origin, religion, disability, gender, age, nationality, veteran status, sexual orientation, or gender identity. This prohibition extends to the public promotion of this type of prohibited behavior whether or not specific to the event or content appearing as part of the Services.

Don't Post Harmful or Illegal Content

We expect you to respect the individuals, organizations, and groups that are a part of the Tixify community. You may not distribute any written or other content through the Tixify Services that:

  • Impersonates any person or entity, including without limitation any governmental officials or public figure; falsely states or otherwise misrepresents your affiliation with any person or entity; or expresses or implies that Tixify endorses any statement you make without express written approval to do so,
  • Promotes or encourages hate or dangerous content (as we've also described above),
  • Defames or libels any other person,
  • Invades any person's privacy, or contains a person's likeness without their permission,
  • Harasses, threatens or seeks to intimidate any person (also described above),
  • Is fraudulent, deceptive or tortious, or
  • Is protected by copyright, trademark or trade secret law, unless you have the express prior written consent of the owner of such right.

Don't Resell Tickets, Credits, Wristbands, Engage in Prohibited Sales or Advertising

Tixify is a platform for authorized organizers to offer cashless credits and other products to their own events to, or solicit donations to their own causes surrounding the promotion of an event from, the public. The platform may not be used to resell credit, sell physical good (see exception), administer raffles, sweepstakes, contests or games of chance of any nature, or otherwise facilitate the sale of anything other than a ticket for your own event. ( exception: merchandise or accommodations that have been added as an option in tandem and associated with cashless credit or a redeemable ticket in the platform.). You may not use the Tixify Services to:

• Collect or extract any information from the Services for any commercial purpose, such as to resell information (whether personal or other information), or create a new dataset or service, or • Post or transmit any unsolicited advertising, promotional material, "junk mail," "spam," "chain letter," "pyramid scheme", survey, investment opportunity, or any other form of commercial solicitation (except for sponsored events themselves).

Don't Interfere with the Tixify Services

To maintain the security and integrity of the Tixify Services, you may not do any of the following:

• Interfere with or disrupt the operation of the Tixify Services or the servers or networks used to make the Services available, • Post, transmit through or release into the Tixify Services a virus, worm, Trojan Horse, time bomb, spyware, rootkit, cancelbot, or other computer code, file, or program that is harmful or is intended to damage or hijack the operation of, or to monitor the use of, any hardware, software or equipment, • Access, or program any technology to access the Services through any robot or "bot," crawling or scraping technology, or other extraction technology (for any purpose), or • Attempt to gain unauthorized access to the Services, other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the Services, through password mining or any other means.

Don't Infringe on the Intellectual Property Rights of Others

You may not upload or distribute content on Tixify that you do not have a right to transmit under any law or under contractual or fiduciary relationships (such as inside information, or proprietary and confidential information learned or disclosed as part of employment relationships or under nondisclosure agreements). This includes, but is not limited to, all images, logos, videos, and text uploaded on your event listing. Additionally, you may not do the following on the Tixify Services:

• Remove any copyright, trademark or other proprietary rights notice from the Services or any material displayed by the Services, or • Reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, resell or otherwise exploit for any commercial purposes, any portion or aspect of the Services.

If you have identified an unauthorized use of your intellectual property on Tixify, please follow the process in our Copyright and Trademark Policy.

Don't Invade the Privacy of Others

Be thoughtful and careful about the kind of information you ask for. You may not use Tixify to collect credit card numbers, social security numbers, financial information, or other sensitive information not absolutely necessary for the administration of your event, and not available for collection through alternative methods.

Don't Post Explicit Content

Tixify is not a place for pornography, or for explicit, violent and/or graphic content. This applies to all content on our site, including images, videos, and descriptions. We understand that not all nudity is pornographic, and that certain graphic content may be necessary to emphasize the nature of an event on our Services. We will remove content that exposes certain parts of the body, or is intended to celebrate violence or primarily to shock the viewer. Beyond this, we may choose to remove or make certain content private to ensure a general level of safety and appropriateness for the majority of the community.

How to Flag and Process for Review

Our goal is to promote a safe and respectful community. If you learn that any listing or content that violates these Community Guidelines or our Terms of Service, please contact us right away, or in the case of an event, use the Report an Event option. We will review each report, and depending on the nature of the report, we may or may not follow up with you. It's also important to remember that Tixifybr encourages a diverse, global community; content that you find offensive or controversial may not violate our Community Guidelines, and not result in your desired action. We truly value your feedback and the opportunity to hear from our community.

Violations of our Community Guidelines

If we determine that the content violates our Community Guidelines, we may remove only the relevant content, we may take down the entire event listing, or take alternative action that Tixify determines to be appropriate given the circumstances surrounding the content. If the abuse of our Services is serious and severe (in our sole evaluation), we may also suspend or terminate the associated Tixify account. Note that certain content, while not in violation of our Community Guidelines, may not be appropriate for the majority of our community. In these cases, we may decide to make the content private. If we believe there is a legitimate risk of physical harm to someone or a group of people, or direct threats to public safety, we not only take action on our site, but will also work with law enforcement, as appropriate and at our discretion. If you or someone you know is in immediate danger as a result of content posted on Tixify, please first contact your local law enforcement agency. Once you've reported the issue to law enforcement, click here to report the issue directly to Tixify.